TUESDAY 3rd December
9am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Said Eucharist
1.10pm Mayfair Organ Concert
at St George’s
Joshua Ryan
(Hampstead Parish Church)
Olivier Messiaen - La Nativite
du Seigneur
THURSDAY 5th December
9am Morning Prayer
FRIDAY 6th December
8.45am Morning Prayer
9.00am Act of Collective Worship St George’s School (parents and carers only)
SUNDAY 8th December –
The Second Sunday of Advent
11am Sung Eucharist
Josquin des Pres -
Missa Pange Lingua
Thomas Tallis - Audivi
vocem de coelo
J.S.Bach - Wachet auf ruft uns
die Stimme BWV 645
The Chapel is usually open to visitors Monday - Friday 8am to 3pm. Exceptons are public holidays and private bookings.
The Chapel is also open on
Saturdays for Occasional Offices and on Sundays for the 11am Sung Eucharist.
Step-free access to the Chapel is via a ramp through the main entrance. Please arrange in advance by contacting the Chapel office.
Audability: The Chapel's soundsystem is suitably fitted with
a loop system for pews directly
beneath the south gallery.
The Grosvenor Chapel
24 South Audley Street
London W1K 2PA
Telephone: 020 7499 1684 (office hours)
Chapel Wardens: Mr Oliver Chubb & Ms Kate Godfrey
Treasurer: Ms Janine Manning
Safeguarding Officers: Mr Robert Coleman & Ms Kat Holdsworth
Priest-in-Charge |
The Rev'd Stephen Coleman
frstephencoleman@grosvenorchapel.org.uk |
020 7499 1684 |
Operations Manager & Chapel Administrator
Rosslyn Okumu |
info@grosvenorchapel.org.uk |
020 7499 1684
Director of Music | Richard Hobson | hbsrnh@aol.com |
01923 718 870
Organ Scholar (2024-25)
Daniel Baker |
020 7499 1684 |