SUNDAY 9th February -
The Fourth Sunday before Lent
11am Sung Eucharist
Flor Peeters - Missa S Josephi
Heinrich Schütz - Verlei uns Frieden
Hendrik Andriessen - Theme
& Variations
TUESDAY 11th February
9am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Said Eucharist
1.10pm Mayfair Organ Concert
at St George’s
Richard Pearce (BBC)
THURSDAY 13th February
9am Morning Prayer
FRIDAY 14th February
8.45am Morning Prayer
9.00am Act of Collective Worship St George’s School (parents and carers only)
SUNDAY 16th February -
The Third Sunday before Lent
11am Sung Eucharist
Giovanni Croce - Missa Prima
Sexti Toni
J.P.Sweelinck - Beati pauperes
Théodore Salomé -
Grand Choeur in G
The Champniss Organ Scholarship
Applications are invited for the Organ Scholarship at Grosvenor Chapel for the academic year 2025/6.
Details on the music page of this website.
The Chapel is normally open to visitors Monday - Friday 8am to 3pm. Exceptons are public holidays and private bookings.
The Chapel is also open on
Saturdays for Occasional Offices and on Sundays for the 11am Sung Eucharist.
Step-free access to the Chapel is via a ramp through the main entrance. Please arrange in advance by contacting the Chapel office.
Audability: The Chapel's soundsystem is suitably fitted with
a loop system for pews directly
beneath the south gallery.
The Grosvenor Chapel is situated in the heart of Mayfair in South Audley Street, between Harry's Bar and Thomas Goode, and opposite the Mayfair Public Library.
We seek to offer a spiritual home to those who live and work in the area, those who are drawn to the Chapel for various reasons, as well as those who are visiting London. Through worship, dialogue and friendship we aim to serve the pastoral and spiritual needs of contemporary men, women and children.
The congregation is a varied, international and inclusive family, and the Chapel building encourages an intimacy of fellowship. We worship God as made known to us in Jesus Christ, and try to show his Gospel of love through our lives. We do this within the liberal catholic tradition of the Church of England, which lays emphasis on the beauty and reverence of worship as well as the importance of intellectual integrity and open exploration of the scriptures, the Christian tradition and issues which confront the 21st century world. As we set about the work of building up a refreshing Christian community, we keep in mind the advice of St Augustine: “In the primary things, unity. In the secondary things, liberality. In all things, charity.”
We are part of the Church of England’s Diocese of London and of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We welcome people from all Christian traditions as well as those who are on a searching journey for faith in God.
With the Chapel having been used by American soldiers in the Second World War, and the current American Embassy previously located nearby, we are delighted to find many Americans enjoy joining us for worship whilst in London. The Chapel is also twinned to Grace Church, New York.