The Grosvenor Chapel
The Grosvenor Chapel

            THIS WEEK

 SUNDAY 9th February - 

The Fourth Sunday before Lent

11am Sung Eucharist

​Flor Peeters - Missa S Josephi​

Heinrich Schütz - Verlei uns Frieden

Hendrik Andriessen - Theme

& Variations


TUESDAY 11th February

9am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Said Eucharist

1.10pm Mayfair Organ Concert 

at St George’s

Richard Pearce (BBC)


THURSDAY 13th February

9am Morning Prayer


FRIDAY 14th February

8.45am Morning Prayer

9.00am Act of Collective Worship St George’s School (parents and carers only)


SUNDAY 16th February - 

The Third Sunday before Lent

11am Sung Eucharist

Giovanni Croce - Missa Prima

Sexti Toni

J.P.Sweelinck - Beati pauperes

Théodore Salomé -

Grand Choeur in G


The Champniss Organ Scholarship


Applications are invited for the Organ Scholarship at Grosvenor Chapel for the academic year 2025/6.

Details on the music page of this website.



The Chapel is normally open to visitors Monday - Friday 8am to 3pm. Exceptons are public holidays and private bookings.

The Chapel is also open on

Saturdays for Occasional Offices and on Sundays for the 11am Sung Eucharist.



Step-free access to the Chapel is via a ramp through the main entrance. Please arrange in advance by contacting the Chapel office.


Audability:  The Chapel's soundsystem is suitably fitted with

a loop system for pews directly

beneath the south gallery.

Grosvenor Chapel Congregation

The Christian community at the Grosvenor Chapel is a diverse group of people united by our common discipleship of the Lord. Most of us come here because we live here or have been brought by friends.


We are a mixed bunch of old and young, rich and poor, black and white, residents and visitors, married and single, gay and straight. Everybody, in other words, is wanted and everybody is welcomed.


We are joined many Sundays by visitors from overseas, especially the United States of America, with whom the Chapel has a special connection, as in previous years the nearest Episcopal Church to the American Embassy, and as the place of worship for the United States Armed forces under General Eisenhower during World War II.




Why do we meet?

We meet every Sunday to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord in the unbroken tradition of the Church, by reading and meditating on the Scriptures and sharing the Eucharist meal. 


Our worship is characterised by:


Celebration of Scripture

Every year we read through one of the Gospels. Sermons follow related themes designed to connect Scripture to our everyday lives.



Celebration of the Lord's supper

We gather round the Lord’s table every Sunday to become his body of Christ in the world, that this may be transformed in the love of God.


Celebration of life

We give thanks to God through the beauty of music, prayer, liturgy, silence and symbol. By being drawn into the mystery of God, we celebrate our whole lives and renew them in the power of the Holy Spirit.


What do we stand for?

We seek to be a “Christian Community in the liberal catholic tradition of the Church, standing as a beacon of faith in the heart of Mayfair”.

By liberal we essentially mean generous, as God is generous to us, and open to new ideas and challenges of proclaiming the teachings of Christ today.

By Catholic we mean a faith marked by wholeness in our lives and in our faith; unity with the rest of the Christian Church, and a belief which is embracing, not narrow - inclusive, not exclusive.

And we seek to respond to God in our whole being: body, mind, emotions, through worship, life, intellect and spirit as the way to health and wholeness.

Reaching out

We seek to be at the “heart of Mayfair”. We wish to offer faith and hope and a renewed call to a spiritual vision of life and the earth, as we discover this in the life and teaching of the Lord.


To this end:

The Chapel is open to visitors Monday to Friday from 9am to 5 pm for people to pray, or simply enjoy some peace and quiet in a holy space.

Personal and pastoral contacts are established to provide help and spiritual counselling for individuals.

Spirituality courses and studies are run regularly throughout the year to enable people to discover a spiritual vision of their lives.

Musical recitals, concerts and other cultural events take place during the year, meeting a range of interests.

We celebrate the lives of the people in the community through baptisms, weddings, memorial services and other occasions.


We invite you:

  • to join a growing church;
  • to bring to our world a renewed spiritual vision of life and the earth;
  • to make Christ known to people today.
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© The Grosvenor Chapel 2002-2015 | 24 South Audley St, London W1K 2PA | Tel: 020 7499 1684