The Grosvenor Chapel
The Grosvenor Chapel

            THIS WEEK

SUNDAY 8th September

11am Sung Eucharist -

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Juan Esquivel - Missa Ave

Virgo sanctissima

John Taverner - Mater Christi sanctissima

C.V.Stanford - Beati quorum via

J.S.Bach - Fugue in C major  

BWV 547 (ii)


TUESDAY 10th September

9am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Eucharist 

1.10pm Mayfair Organ Concert 

at St George’s

Bel Comeau (Union Chapel)


WEDNESDAY 11th September 

9am Morning Prayer


THURSDAY 12th September

9am Morning Prayer


FRIDAY 13th September

9am Morning Prayer


SUNDAY 14th September

11am Sung Eucharist

The Sixteenth Sunday

after Trinity

W.A.Mozart  - Missa Brevis in D K194

G.P.da Palestrina - Ego sum

panis vivus (a5)

J.G.Walther - Jesu meine Freude



The Chapel is usually open to visitors Monday - Friday 8am to 3pm. Exceptons are public holidays, private bookings etc.

The Chapel is also open on

Saturdays for Occasional Offices, and

Sundays for the 11am Sung Eucharist.



Step-free access to the Chapel is via a ramp through the main entrance. Please arrange in advance by contacting the Chapel office.


Audability:  The Chapel's soundsystem is suitably fitted with

a loop system for pews directly

beneath the south gallery.

Marriage Preparation Course

Whenever possible we also run a Marriage Prepration Course (usually on a Saturday, 10am - 3.30pm).


This is for couples getting married in either St George’s Church, Hanover Square or at the Grosvenor Chapel.


Held in the Chapel rooms and facilitated by clergy and laity, the day focuses on the listening and communication skills necessary for the married life. It also provides a couple with quality time and space to reflect on some key themes of healthy relationships, at a time when they may be consumed by the busy logistical preparations for their wedding. It is also an opportunity to meet other couples to be married in the Parish, although there is no requirement to share in groups.





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© The Grosvenor Chapel 2002-2015 | 24 South Audley St, London W1K 2PA | Tel: 020 7499 1684