TUESDAY 4th February
9am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Said Eucharist
1.10pm Mayfair Organ Concert
at the Chapel
Richard Gowers
(St George’s, Hanover Square)
W.A.Mozart - Fantasia in F minor,
K. 608
Dietrich Buxtehude -
Te Deum Laudamus
J.S.Bach - Toccata, Adagio and
Fugue in C
THURSDAY 6th February
9am Morning Prayer
FRIDAY 7th February
8.45am Morning Prayer
9.00am Act of Collective Worship St George’s School (parents and carers only)
SUNDAY 9th February -
The Fourth Sunday before Lent
11am Sung Eucharist
Flor Peeters - Missa S Josephi
Heinrich Schütz - Verlei uns Frieden
Hendrik Andriessen - Theme
& Variations
The Champniss Organ Scholarship
Applications are invited for the Organ Scholarship at Grosvenor Chapel for the academic year 2025/6.
Details on the music page of this website.
The Chapel is normally open to visitors Monday - Friday 8am to 3pm. Exceptons are public holidays and private bookings.
The Chapel is also open on
Saturdays for Occasional Offices and on Sundays for the 11am Sung Eucharist.
Step-free access to the Chapel is via a ramp through the main entrance. Please arrange in advance by contacting the Chapel office.
Audability: The Chapel's soundsystem is suitably fitted with
a loop system for pews directly
beneath the south gallery.
This is an initiative in partnership with the Friends of Mayfair Library and Grosvenor Estates. The Mayfair Community Choir is non-auditioning and open to all. The choir is conducted by Dan
The repertoire of the choir is mixed and eclectic. The emphasis is on creating a choir which is fun socially, stimulating musically, and which helps build local community.
The choir meets Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm. To sign-up or to request further information, please contact the choir by email at: mayfaircommunitychoir@gmail.com.