SUNDAY 9th February -
The Fourth Sunday before Lent
11am Sung Eucharist
Flor Peeters - Missa S Josephi
Heinrich Schütz - Verlei uns Frieden
Hendrik Andriessen - Theme
& Variations
TUESDAY 11th February
9am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Said Eucharist
1.10pm Mayfair Organ Concert
at St George’s
Richard Pearce (BBC)
THURSDAY 13th February
9am Morning Prayer
FRIDAY 14th February
8.45am Morning Prayer
9.00am Act of Collective Worship St George’s School (parents and carers only)
SUNDAY 16th February -
The Third Sunday before Lent
11am Sung Eucharist
Giovanni Croce - Missa Prima
Sexti Toni
J.P.Sweelinck - Beati pauperes
Théodore Salomé -
Grand Choeur in G
The Champniss Organ Scholarship
Applications are invited for the Organ Scholarship at Grosvenor Chapel for the academic year 2025/6.
Details on the music page of this website.
The Chapel is normally open to visitors Monday - Friday 8am to 3pm. Exceptons are public holidays and private bookings.
The Chapel is also open on
Saturdays for Occasional Offices and on Sundays for the 11am Sung Eucharist.
Step-free access to the Chapel is via a ramp through the main entrance. Please arrange in advance by contacting the Chapel office.
Audability: The Chapel's soundsystem is suitably fitted with
a loop system for pews directly
beneath the south gallery.
The organ in Grosvenor Chapel was built by Abraham Jordan and installed in 1732. It had Great and short compass Swell divisions and no pedals. It stood in an upper gallery at the west end, a position it occupied until 1908. It was altered twice in the 19th c. by Bishop, and rebuilt in 1908 by Ingram. In 1930 J.W.Walker and Sons built a new two manual organ incorporating much second-hand pipework both from the old instrument and from elsewhere. The case was widened, and the organ had 21 stops, electropneumatic action and a stop key console.
This instrument was replaced in 1991 by William Drake of Buckfastleigh, Devon, who built a new organ in a broadly 18th c. English style. The Great has the traditional long compass and all pipework is new except for the treble of the Swell Stopped Diapason. The original Jordan front pipes survive, but were not used in 1991 as they are not at 'modern' pitch. The organ is tuned to an unequal temperament and has mechanical action for keys, pedals and stops. The console was modelled on surviving 18th c examples and the pedalboard is flat and straight. Soundboards are of traditional construction with no modern materials, and the action is unbushed. The case was remade and restored by William Drake.
The scaling and treatment of the diapason stops is based on the surviving front pipes, and the Great Stopt and Flute are modelled on ranks in the Seede organ at Lulworth Castle. The Great Cornet is a copy of that in the England organ at Blandford Forum in Dorset, and the reeds are based on the early 19th c. William Allen stops at Everingham in Yorkshire.
The organ was inaugurated by Gustav Leonhardt in May 1991.
Between February and April 2017 the organ was cleaned and overhauled by Drake Organs.
Great GG/AA - f''' 58 notes |
Swell C - f''' 54 notes |
Open Diapason | 8 | Open Diapason | 8 | |
Stopt Diapason | 8 | Stopt Diapason | 8 | |
Principal | 4 | Principal | 4 | |
Flute | 4 | Fifteenth | 2 | |
Twelfth | 2 2/3 | Mixture | III | |
Fifteenth | 2 | Cornet Treble | III | |
Furniture | III | Cornet Bass | III | |
Sesquialtera | III-IV | Trumpet | 8 | |
Cornet | V from middle c | Hautboy | 8 | |
Trumpet Treble | 8 | Tremulant | ||
Trumpet Bass | 8 | |||
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Pedal C-f | 30 notes | |||
Stopt Diapason | 16 | Swell to Great | ||
Principal | 8 | Swell to Pedal | ||
Trumpet | 16 | Great to Pedal | ||
Three couplers | ||||
Tremulant | ||||
Grosvenor Termperament |